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Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
ISSN 0577-9170; DOI 10.6503/THJCS
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Vol. 5 No. 1
Vol. 5 No. 1
Islam in Canton During T’ang and Sung Dynasties
On the Periods of the Stories of Ching-Pen T’ung-Su Hsiao-Shuo and the Authenticity of Collection
Ts’ao-Tung Ch’an and Its Metaphysical Background, with Translations of the Dialogues of the Founders
Li-Ho and Keats: Poverty, Illness, Frustration and A Poetic Career
Song Arrangements in Shianleu Acts of Yuan Tzarjiuh
Profits of British Bankers from Chinese Loans 1895- 1914
On the Lung-Su Chiao-Min in Painting – A letter to Professor Lien-Sheng Yang (With Prof. Yang’s Colophon)
Two Problems Relating to the Muslim Rebellion in No rthwest China (1862-1878) and A Review of Ma Hsiao-Shih’s His-Pei Hui-Tsu Ke-Ming, Chien-Shih, A brief history of the Muslim Revolution in Northwest China
Albert Feuerwerker: China’s Early Industrialization: Sheng Hsuan-Huai ( 1844-1916) and Mandarin Enterprise
C.K. Yang: A Chinese Village in Early Communist Transition
C.K. Yang: The Chinese Family in the Communist Revolution.
Kai-Loo Huang: General Economics