Guidelines for Submission of Manuscripts
1. The Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, an international refereed journal, was founded in 1924. In 1955, National Tsing Hua University was reinstituted in Taiwan, and the Journal was reissued as New Series I, Number 1 in June, 1956. The Journal publishes academic papers related to Chinese studies on topics that include literature, history, philosophy, linguistics and religion. The Journal welcomes original papers with unique contributions to scholarship.
2. Since Volume 38 (2008) the Journal is published four times a year, in March, June, September and December. The Journal only considers original papers that have not been published
elsewhere. Papers that have been put on Internet websites will not be considered. If a manuscript has been submitted to another journal at the same time, or if the manuscript infringes upon the rights of a third party, we will not publish the author’s manuscripts in the future.
3. The Journal publishes scholarly articles in either English or Chinese. No book reviews or translated works will be accepted. For articles in Chinese, the maximum length is 30,000 Chinese characters; for articles in English, the upper limit is about 20,000 words (as determined by Microsoft Word’s Word Count). There is no maximum length for specially solicited manuscripts.
4. The Journal shall not be held liable for copyright violations. The author is responsible for securing written permission to reproduce all copyright materials, including photos, illustrations, and long citations. In cases of violations, the author, not the Journal, shall bear full responsibility for all legal consequences.
5. The Journal reserves its right to copy edit all manuscripts submitted. If this is unacceptable to you, please state so in your manuscript.
6. The Journal performs a double-blind review of all manuscripts. Any information sufficient to recognize the identity of the author should not appear in the text or the footnotes. All manuscripts must be approved by our Editorial Committee before publication. Authors will be notified as soon as possible if their submissions are unsuccessful.
7. Accepted manuscripts should be revised according to the style sheet of the Journal. The author should read the final revision personally, and then the Journal will decide the actual date of publication. The style sheet and full text files of articles can be downloaded on our website at
8. After manuscripts are accepted for publication, authors shall sign an Agreement to assign property rights of their works to the Journal. Authors reserve their own copyrights, but the
Journal retains property rights for all articles published. All reproductions, reprints, and translations of such articles are prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the Journal, except that authors have the right to re-publish their own papers in their own collected works.
9. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, all authors of the manuscript must grant a non-exclusive license to the Journal, which sublicenses database providers authorized by the
Journal to digitally reproduce and publicly transmit the article via the Internet. The article will then be made available to authorized users for download and print. The format of the manuscript may be changed to comply with the needs of the copy editing of the database. The authors should submit a copyright license agreement with the accepted manuscript.
10. Upon publication, authors will receive 20 offprints as well as one copy of the journal issue in which their works appear. No honorarium will be paid. Manuscripts not chosen for publication will not be returned. Please retain your own copies.
11. Each submitted manuscript must include the title, an abstract around 300 words, and keywords (not over six) in both English and Chinese. A list of works cited should be appended to the end of the manuscript. In a separate electronic file, give your name, your affiliation, and your job title in both English and Chinese, as well as your mailing address, phone or fax number, and email address.
12. Manuscripts may be sent as an email attachment to