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Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
ISSN 0577-9170; DOI 10.6503/THJCS
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Vol. 14 No. 1&2
Vol. 14 No. 1&2
The Namlong Dialect, a Northern Min Outlier in Zhon gshan Xian and the Influence of Cantonese on its Lexicon and Phonology
The Persistence of Present-Tense Reflexes in Modern Spoken Tibetan
The Dialectal Nature of Two Types of Tine Sandhi in the Kiangsu Changcow Dialect
Technical Aspects of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Chinese
A Study of Xie-hou-yu Expressions in Cantonese
Monosyllabism of Chinese Reconsidered
Notes on the Western Han Initials
The Phonological System of Ako and Its Origin
Noun and Verb Classifiers in the Be language
Linguistic Variations of Different Age Groups in the Atayalic Dialects
On Ch’en Li’s Method of Gruping Fan-chieh Spellings and Related Problems
Pronouns and Verb Inflection in Kanakanavu