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Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
ISSN 0577-9170; DOI 10.6503/THJCS
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Vol. 15 No. 1&2
Vol. 15 No. 1&2
On the Authorship and Background of the “Lü -hsing” Chapter of the Shang-shu
Notes on My Translation of the lo-yang ch’ieh-lan c hi
A Study of Ch’ing Dynasty Contemporary Folksong
The Unraveling of Neo-Confucianism: From Philosophy to Philology in Late Imperial China.
Ch’ing Classical Studies and Cosmological Reformation
The Poetry and Poetic Theory pf Yüan Hung-tao (1568-1610)
Ch’ing Dynasty Craft guilds and Their Monopolies
Three Recent Studies on the Mongol-Yuan era
Wu Hsiang-hsiang: Biography of Dr.Sun Yat-sen Teng Ssu-yu
Chang Ts’un-wu: Ch’ing-Han tsung-fan mao-I
Hisao Kung-ch’uan: A Modern China and a New World: K’ang Yu-wei, Reformer and Utopian,1858-1927
William F. WU: T he Yellow Peril: Chinese Americans in Americans Fiction, 1850- 1940