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Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
ISSN 0577-9170; DOI 10.6503/THJCS


Confucianism's Compatibility and Contention with the Dictatorship–the Legalist Tendency in Tung Chung Shu's Philosophy

Vol. 19 No. 2   12/1989    


Confucianism’s Compatibility and Contention with the Dictatorship – the Legalist Tendency in Tung Chung Shu’s Philosophy 


Tung-shun Lin 









Key words





    The relationship between Confucianism and the dictator regimes has been peculiar since Han dynasty. On one hand, Confusionism maintained a tint of tension with the regime in power. On the other hand, it enjoyed the status of being the authorized dogma. However, it was more often than not that the Confucian withheld their contending power and played the alternative role, which was compatible with the ruling power. The present article intends to accounts for this phenomenon by unveiling the Legalist nature hidden in the Confucians since Han, using Tung Chung Shu’s philosophy as one an example. 

    Although Tung’s thought may present an epitome of the relationship between the dictatorshop and the ongoing development of Confucianism, it only served as one example showing how the dictatorship might have shaped Confucianism. Close examinations of more cases are wanted before the purposed view can gain a sound position. 



Author: Tung-shun Lin
Genre: Article
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