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Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
ISSN 0577-9170; DOI 10.6503/THJCS


Liang Qichao and Hu Shih : Two Discourses on Women

Vol. 27 No. 4   12/1997  


Liang Qichao and Hu ShihTwo Discourses on Women


Hui-chi Hsu









Key words

political tutelage, revolution, nation-building


      As result of the initiation, support and participation of some liberal-minded men, modern Chinese women’s movement was able to get off the ground and had itself sustained. During the last years of the Qing Dynasty and the early days of the Republic, some of the major concerns of the Chinese intellectuals seemed to be the integrity of the nation and the survival of its people. A lot of thought was given to ways of reversing the deteriorating situation of the time. Educationfor women and abolition of foot-binding were among the priorities. As a consequence, many women were able to receive education. And the importance of women’s rights thus dawned upon them, paving the way for a healthy growth of a women’s movement.

    This articles focuses on two important liberalsLiang Qichao and Hu Shihas representatives of their respective generationsthe Late Qing and the early Republican eras. Through an investigation of their views on women and the solutions offered by the two thinkers, I wish to lo ok at how they address women’s issues. Specifically this paper provides a textual analysis of Liang’s and Hu’s essays on women and concentrates on some of the salient features of their writings on women. I hope this approach is helpful in highlighting the impact of their discussionsof Chinese women and the significance of such discussions in men’s overall deliberations on such general concerns as nation an d community. I hope, too, that some light could be thrown on the limitations such views impose on women as well as potential breakthroughs.



Author: Hui-chi Hsu
Genre: Article
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