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Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
ISSN 0577-9170; DOI 10.6503/THJCS


Studies on Chinese Language and Characters by Jesuits in Japan

Vol. 34 No. 1   3/2004


Studies on Chinese Language and Characters by Jesuits in Japan


Ying-ping Qie Studies on Chinese Language and Characters by Jesuits in Japan









Key words

Jesuits, language study


    Because of the widespread influence of Chinese culture and its language in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, the Jesuits had to encounter this challenge before entering China, and they had to study the Chinese Language diligently. Therefore, we have found the evidence of language study in the correspondences of Santa Francisco Xavier, Melchior Nunes Barreto and Balthazar Gago, and we also have found the systematic study of the Chinese language, which was gradually becoming more and more exact and proficient, in the works of Eduardusde Sande, Bernardino de Eescalante, Jose(Joseph) de Acosta and Joao Tcuzu Rodrigues. These cultural experiences and research done by non-Chinese people have a special meaning─not only setting an example for the missionary work of the later Jesuits such as Matteo Ricci in China, but also comprising an important premise and complement to the cultural and language research of Matteo Ricci and others.



Author: Ying-ping Qie
Genre: Article
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