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Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
ISSN 0577-9170; DOI 10.6503/THJCS


Original Texts versus Manuscripts: A Review of, and Reflection upon, Studies of the Zuozhuan’s Compilation from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Modern Age

Vol. 54 No. 4  12/2024


Original Texts versus Manuscripts: A Review of, and Reflection upon, Studies of the Zuozhuan’s Compilation from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Modern Age


Tsai Ying-ying











Key words

Zuozhuan 左傳 , academics of the Qing dynasty, historiography, excavated texts, manuscripts


This article analyzes studies on the compilation of the Zuozhuan 左傳 from the late Qing dynasty until modern times. By reviewing the theories of Qing scholars, scrutinizing their perspectives on the “original texts” (古本) and issues related to the compilation of the Zuozhuan, this article endeavors to draw comparisons with Western scholarship and aspires to provide reflections on early Chinese historical writing and compilation.

The article first delves into Qing scholars’ pursuit of the Zuozhuan’s “original text,” which evolved into an unconventional trend that emphasized the “layout of the original text.” Second, building upon Qing exegetes’ comprehension of the textual structure of the Zuozhuan, the article re-evaluates Liu Fenglu’s 劉逢祿 theory on Zuoshi chunqiu 左氏春秋, pointing out that while it aligns with Qing scholars’ perceptions of the visual organization of the text, it is distinguished by its interpretation of the Zuozhuan’s nature.

The article then discusses the discourse on the Zuozhuan advanced by the Debating Antiquity School (Gushibian xuepai 古史辨學派) and contemporary scholars. These two groups’ focus on the “source of materials” and the “process of compilation” signifies a transformation in the understanding of the Zuozhuan, marked by a transition from a classical perspective to a historical one and, eventually, from historiography to material studies.

Finally, the article analyzes two case studies on the existing manuscript of the Zuozhuan and the excavated historical text. These case studies aim to provoke reflection and discourse on our contemporary approach to the nature of the Zuozhuan and the compilation of ancient historical writings.

Author: Tsai Ying-ying
Genre: Article
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