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Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
ISSN 0577-9170; DOI 10.6503/THJCS


THJCS Vol.53 No.4 has been published

Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies Vol.53 No.4 was published in December. 2023 with the following five articles:


  1. The Compilation and Study of Yao Cha’s Hanshu Xunzuan: Focusing on Its Relation to Yan Shigu’s Hanshu Commentary(Janice Ling)
  2. “Flying Curtained Carriages” and Perfected-Immortals: Research on the New Celestial Vehicles Found in the Poetry of the Visiting Perfected-Transcendent(Zhang Mengru)
  3. A Reading Revolution: On the Jingling School’s Criticism of Du Fu’s Poetry in the Late Ming Dynasty(Chen Ying-chieh)
  4. The Ministry of Revenue’s Finances and Its Supply of Northwestern Garrisons in the Early Chongzhen Period (1628-1633)(Peng Hao)
  5. Dialect Changes in Southern Min in Taipei City: An Investigation and Analysis of Social Dialectology(Chen Shu-chuan)


For further information, please visit the journal’s database: https://thjcs.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1452-20182.php?Lang=en


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