Neglected Voices: Literature Related to The Reaction of Contemporary Chinese Christians Toward the “Rite Controversy”

Vol. 25 No. 2   6/1995  


Neglected Voices: Literature Related to The Reaction of Contemporary Chinese Christians Toward the “Rite Controversy”


Yi-Long Huang









Key words

History of Christianity, Rite Controversy


      This article introduces and analyzes Yen Mo’s Ti t’ien k’aoStudy of Emperors and Heavens, Pao Yingchi’s Shang chiaohuang shuPetition to Pope and Pierre Wnag’s T’ungjen rungchien A circulate Document within Fellow Christians; all four documents, separately preserved in the Vatican Library in Rome and the National Library in Paris, are concerned with the “Rite Controversy”in China.

    With regard to writers, contents and dates of these documents, this article puts forward viewpoints which differ from those of previous scholars. O ther than generally sketching Chinese Christians’ attitude in relation to the “Rite Controversy,”the author tends to call for academics to make public the tremendous amount of original documents in order toelaborate and further strengthen studies on the history of East-West cultural exchange in the 17th and 18th centuries.



Author: Yi-Long Huang
Genre: Article