The Reflective Effect of the Mirror Image on Responding to the World and Transformative Education: Self-Education in the Zhuangzi

Vol. 52 No. 3  9/2022



The Reflective Effect of the Mirror Image on Responding to the World and Transformative Education: Self-Education in the Zhuangzi


Chen Chung-yu











Key words

Zhuangzi 莊子, education, teaching without words, using one’s mind like a mirror, visuality


This article seeks to explicate the discourse on education in the Zhuangzi 莊子 by reviewing several related cases presented in the text. Not only will this article show that this discourse is compatible with value pluralism, it will also demonstrate that these cases embody the idea of spontaneity and self-transformation. This analysis moreover sheds light on the principles and functions of “teaching without words.” Through a reinterpretation of the phrase yong xin ruo jing 用心若鏡 (using one’s mind like a mirror), this article elaborates upon the text’s advocacy of an open and tranquil state of mind, and focuses on how the analogy of a mirror can be adopted to indicate self-reflection in its pedagogical dimension.

By exploring the definitions and implications of terms like liangxing 兩行 and xinzhai 心齋, while also supplementing the lost passages in the “Attribute of Virtue Complete” section of the text, this article highlights the significance of emotions in interpersonal interactions, which are related to self-survey and action in nonaction. A perfect man can gain trust from others without harming or denying them. A steadfast heart can serve as a mirror as it allows the perfect man to set himself as a reference and guide others to focus on their emotions so that they too can achieve a tranquil state of mind. With such guidance, one could then use the perfect man to contemplate oneself. A motivation to transform oneself is thus generated.

Author: Chen Chung-yu
Genre: Article